


User flow

Staff Mockup

Patient Mockup


Optimizing account management for families.

Patients with family members currently had separate accounts on the virtual care health platform. How do we optimize their experience of handling multiple accounts for their family? Includes Figma file, prototype & research findings.
Role: Product Designer, UX researcher, UI, Design system creator
Tools: Figma

Design System
Figma Link

Story, goal & requirements

How might we optimize a family's experience in managing their accounts?

The problem

Audrey has two patient accounts on the virtual healthcare software platform, one for herself and one for her daughter Cassandra . Audrey is frustrated with having to constantly have to log in and log out to access the account for info, editing and booking appointments. This sometimes leads to booking an appointment for the wrong user. She also has frustrations with the interface not being inclusive and not leaving room for her name preference or language.

The software & User roles

In summary, Rocket Doctor created software to manage virtual healthcare clinics. The user roles are as follows: Staff, physicians and patients

For this problem, the roles that are affected are patient and staff. Thus, I focus on staff on desktop and patients on mobile.

Materials Produced

Ease, quick use and inclusivity

Goal 1: Creation of design system

Utilize the creation of the new design system to leverage the experience.

Goal 2: Ease & quick use for staff & patients

Ease and quick use for parents or guardians managing their dependent's accounts and staff navigating patient profiles.

Goal 3: Inclusivity

Be inclusive with the ability for gender identity, name pronunciations

My Process

Discovery: UX research, interviews, surveys, competitor research

Define: Problem statement, Pain points, challenges, goals, persona

Ideate to Solution: Brainstorm, empathy map, user journey, sketches, wireframes

Prototype: Hi-fi & Prototypes

Test: Gather feedback, user test and more. May have to return back.

Handoff: Clean up and set up design for hand off, including leaving notes for devs

Research Findings

We need to achieve this because findings say...

Based on 3 user interviews, 1 testing & observation to validate design decisions, create designs based on research and propose to stakeholders.

Staff main requirements

Patients have different gender identity than there birth

Don't always prefer their legal name to be used.

Patient: Ease of use
Family members require separate notifications, aka email, phone

Patient: Ease of use
Many teens don't want to book their own appointments but do want notifications.

Patient: Ease of use
Some patients are children and don't have an email or phone #

Staff: Inclusivity
Staff have trouble pronouncing patient names correctly

Staff: Ease
The location of alerts, booking appointments and a few more are slowing down staff

Staff: Ease
Files should be attached to appointments and state what type of file

Persona Summary

A framework to understand our users

Conner Baskerr

Staff member


Conner has worked at RD for 3 years. He's always comes off as a friendly and caring person.

Pain Points

  • Providing a fast experience
  • Fast information
  • Addressing patients correctly


  • Information not place where it's most efficient to find.
  • Info missing: age, file associated with what appointment
  • Difficulty pronouncing names and understanding how a patient wants to be addressed

"Being able to provide and recieve information quickly is very important"

Audrey Books



Addy is a photographer and a mom of two and is always on the go.

Pain Points

  • Creating separate accounts
  • Being addressed correctly
  • Control of modifying accounts


  • Managing separate accounts per family member & remembering passwords
  • Does not go by "Audrey" due to past negative association. Would prefer "Addy"
  • Having to go back and forth between two or more accounts

"It's tedious to go back and forth between accounts. Why can't I just have one?"

Cassandra Books

Family Member

Cass is incrediably smart and she tends to still be a shy person.

Pain Points

  • Booking appointments
  • Talking on the phone
  • Seeing inforamtion


  • Booking appointments on her own.
  • Not being notified on her own email when her appointments is at
  • No access to her own account because her mom manages it

"I want my account but I don't want to book appointments"


Add family member

How do competitors do it?

Competitors often ask the user 'Are you booking for themselves or someone else' in the booking flow instead of the patient profile.

In this flow patients will be able to add family members on their account

For the scope of this project, this will also be located on the patient page, where we give the ability to add a family member to the parent account right away.

We already have patients with separate accounts

Previous account holders still need to benefit from this feature. Thus, we provide a flow for parents or guardians to add their separate existing dependents accounts to theirs -but only through a staff member to protect patient information.

RD user

UI Decisions

Blues & Contrast


Why blue & monochormes?. Blue is often used in the pharmarcy & medicine industry. For this decision, I've decided to remain within that mold. In virtual health care, it's so important to gain trust, as it's still new. That's why we're staying within that mold, as the color has already built trust. In addition, the owners currenlty use blue, thus it's better for branding to remain close to it's current colors. With a more professional apperance, yet still friendliness with the light colors representing a blue sky and roundness.

My font choice is geometric as it geometric fonts are known to appear more friendly. I chose bigger font especially for mobile as multitude of users at various of ages and needs will be using it.

Staff Mockup

Staff admin: Adding family member

Step 1: Conner clicks 'Audrey Books' to contact her regarding the appointment.

The UI below is of my own design system creation as well. This flow follows the staff's process to adding an exsisting and new family member. The big large pink big dot is to show where the user clicks.

staff mockup1

A. In order for appointments to be solved more quickly, and have better access, I've moved it onto the dashboard.

B. Renamed calender to schedule because it's main purpose is to schedule patients or help providers schedule their availability.

Step 1 ALT: Conner may also search for Audrey Books

staff mockup1.5

A. Resolves staff members wanting to see age under birthday as well

Step 2: Conner opens 3 dot menu, and clicks add family member.

staff mockup1.5

A. Relocated alerts from the bottom of the patient profile to the top as staff requested

B. Quick view & access to appointments

C. Inclusivity: Sex assigned at birth, gender & pronouns added

D. Edit is now under the 3 dot menu, and patient information is not all in textboxes

Step 3 - 5

Step 3: Conner searches for an existing account

Step 4:Conner asks what is Cassandra's birthday & email address. Selects patient.

Step 5:Asks question regarding address, and health card. Then clicks 'Request to add family member'

staff mockup1.5

What if Audrey's daughter Cassandra doesn't have an account? Conner can create an account for them.

staff mockup1.5

Mobile: mockup

Patient: Adding family member

Step 1: Scrolls down and taps 'add family member'

Step 2:Taps 'no' to a family member already having an account and taps 'create profile'

Step 3: Fills out the information and taps next.

Step 4:Checks 'separate email & phone', enters email, taps next

Step 5:Fills out health card & taps next

Step 6:Review information and taps add family member

Mobile: mockup

Patient: Separate Login

Step 1: Tap account icon and tap family member user

Step 2: Scroll down to and tap'Separate Login'

Step 3: Taps 'Send request for separate login'

Step 4:Receive email with a link to setup a password

Step 5:Setup password and tap setup separate login

The results

Inclusivity and ease wins!

- Adding a family member is in development
- Gender Identity and gender, pronouns has been added which has left patients happier
- Patient profile has been updated in the current design system but using the same UX
- Staff enjoy being able to read a patient profile quickly
- Files now do include categories and associating with appointments is in the workshops
- The value of doing multiple test with current staff of the userflow helped create a userflow that made them happy